Amplification reagents
Explore our product range for PCR and qPCR applications now. Enhance your research by having accurate results for your experiments thanks to our products.
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Fluorescein additive 1 mM (for My iQ / i-Cycler iQ® / iQ5) - 1 mL
- Cat.Number : RT-FLUO-ADD
DFO-T10 Calibration Oligo - 5 nmol
- 5' Dragonfly Orange™ - TTT-TTT-TTT-T 3'
- Cat.Number : UN-CT015-005
HL647-T10 Calibration Oligo - 5 nmol
- 5' HiLyte™ Fluor 647 - TTT-TTT-TTT-T 3'
- Cat.Number : UN-CT030-005
YY-T10 Calibration Oligo - 5 nmol
- 5' Yakima Yellow® - TTT-TTT-TTT-T 3'
- Cat.Number : UN-CT005-005
qPCR Internal Positive Control (IPC) Yakima Yellow®-TAMRA (50 µl)
- Cat.Number : RT-IPCY-T02
qPCR 96-well plate sub-skirted, high profile, frosted (ABI systems)
- Cat.Number : RT-PL96-AB
qPCR 96-well plate semi skirted, low profile, white (LC 480 systems)
- Cat.Number : RT-PL96-LC480
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