
Shipping conditions

Valid until December 31st, 2024

Shipping fees

Shipping fees (from EU) will be invoiced according to your country and the amount of your order.

Shipping country Shipping Method Minimum Order Amount for Free Shipping Shipping Fee
BE, FR, MC, LU, NL, DK Express* 50 EUR 11 EUR
AT, ES, FI, IE, IT, PT, SE Express* 50 EUR 14 EUR
BG, CZ, GR, HR, HU, MT, PL, RO, SK, SI, TR, EE, IS, LV, LT, NO Express* 90 EUR 27 EUR
CH Express* 55 CHF 29 CHF
DE Express* 50 EUR 10 EUR
GB, IM Express* 45 GBP 14 GBP
US, CA & America zone Express* 110 USD 49 USD
Other Countries Express* 110 EUR 61.5 EUR
PCR & qPCR kits, reagents and consummables      
BE, DE, DK, FR, LU, MC, NL Express* 315 EUR 18.5 EUR
AT, ES, FI, IE, IT, PT, SE Express* 315 EUR 30.5 EUR
CZ, EE, HU, IS, LV, LT, MT, NO, PL, SK, TR, GR Express* 315 EUR 49 EUR
BG, HR, RO, SI Express* 315 EUR 73.5 EUR
CH Express* 400 CHF 49 CHF
GB, IM Express* 275 GBP 24 GBP
US, CA & America zone Express* 1500 USD 141 USD
Other Countries Express* 2400 EUR 153.5 EUR
Catalog peptides, assay kits, dyes, proteins and antibodies      
BE, DE, DK, FR, LU, MC, NL Express* n/a 18.5 EUR
AT, ES, FI, IT, PT, SE, IE Express* n/a 30.5 EUR
CZ, EE, GR, HU, LV, LT, MT, PL, SK, NO, IS, TR Express* n/a 49 EUR
BG, HR, RO, SI Express* n/a 73.5 EUR
CH Express* n/a 49 CHF
GB, IM Express* n/a 24 GBP
US, CA & America zone Express* n/a 141 USD
Other Countries Express* n/a 153.5 EUR
Custom antibodies, proteins and related services**      
BE, DE, DK, FR, LU, MC, NL Express* n/a 33 EUR
AT, ES, FI, IT, PT, SE, IE Express* n/a 49 EUR
CZ, EE, GR, HU, LV, LT, MT, PL, SK, NO, IS, TR Express* n/a 92 EUR
BG, HR, RO, SI Express* n/a 122.5 EUR
CH Express* n/a 64 CHF
GB, IM Express* n/a 29.5 GBP
US, CA & America zone Express* n/a 141 USD
Other Countries Express* n/a 153.5 EUR

Shipping methods

*Express Delivery

Receive your Oligonucleotides and your Kits & Reagents within 24 to 48 hours by international carrier.

**Handling fee

A handling fee per parcel will be applied for custom antibodies, proteins and related services packaging, with the following rates: 25 EUR, 23 GBP, 27 CHF, 28 USD.

Same day shipping Option

Same day shipping Option is still available on request (additional fees will be charged).

Ice fee

Ice fee for wet ice and dry ice shipments 22 EUR, 20 GBP, 24 CHF, 25 USD.*
*For standard packages.

Refill costs (25 EUR) can be invoiced depending on packages weight.

Administrative costs

Administrative costs (22 EUR, 20 GBP, 24 CHF, 25 USD) will be charged for proforma invoice and re-invoicing if necessary due to incorrect or incomplete information on the order form.