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What is the advantage of working with SYBR® Green I?

SYBR® Green I is an inexpensive, universal dye which binds to all dsDNA....
However it is important to do a good primer design to avoid primer dimers, which will also be detected by SYBR® Green I.

Can I use a SYBR® Green I kit for a probe assay?

This is not possible because the buffer for SYBR® Green I kits and the buffer for probe kits are different....
The kits for SYBR® Green I applications contain special stabilizers to prevent the SYBR® Green I from degradation and do differ in pH and salt concentration

Is a probe assay more sensitive than a SYBR® Green I assay?

A probe assay and a SYBR® Green I assay can be equally sensitive....
In cases of difficult to optimize PCRs the SYBR® Green I assay might be less beneficial as it shows the total fluorescent signal of primer dimers, aspecific

What can cause a SYBR® Green I reaction, which has been working well, stop working?

SYBR® Green I is unstable if diluted in a watery solution and also if it is not kept in the dark....
Therefore Eurogentec offers kits that contain DMSO to stabilize the SYBR® Green I. Kits should be stored in the dark.

What is the advantage of working with a probe system?

possible to distinguish between similar sequences with small differences like SNPs or mutations.In general, probe assays need less optimisation than SYBR

How to optimize a qPCR assay?

If the primers and Double-Dye Oligo have been designed using Primer Express™ and are used in combination with the qPCR MasterMix or qPCR MasterMix for SYBR