
Our publications


Enhanced Protective Immunogenicity of Homodimeric Borrelia burgdorferi Outer Surface Protein C

Clinical and Vaccine Immunology . 2017 Jan 01 ; 24(1) e00306-16. | DOI : 10.1128/CVI.00306-16

  • Diane G. Edmondson
  • Sabitha Prabhakaran
  • Steven J. Norris
  • Amy J. Ullmann
  • Joe Piesman
  • Marc Dolan
  • Christian Probst
  • Christiane Radzimski
  • Winfried Stocker
  • Lars Komorowski


Conserved role for the Drosophila Pax6 homolog Eyeless in differentiation and function of insulin-producing neurons

Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA . 2008 Oct 21 ; 105(42) 16183-16188 | DOI : 10.1073/pnas.0708330105

  • Jason Clements
  • Korneel Hens
  • Carmen Francis
  • Ann Schellens
  • Patrick Callaerts


Amyloid-beta oligomerization is associated with the generation of a typical peptide fragment fingerprint

Alzheimer's & Dementia . 2016 Jan 09 ; 12(9) 996–1013 | DOI : 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.03.011

  • Nikita Rudinskiya
  • Christophe Fuererb
  • Davide Demurtasc
  • Sebastian Zamoranob
  • Cyntia De Pianob
  • Abigail G. Herrmannd
  • Tara L. Spires-Jonesd
  • Patrick Oecklg
  • Markus Ottog
  • Matthew P. Froschh
  • Marc Moniatteb
  • Bradley T. Hymana
  • Adrien W. Schmid


PKA phosphorylates and inactivates AMPKalpha to promote efficient lipolysis

EMBO J. . 2010 Jan 20 ; 29(2) 469-81 | DOI : 10.1038/emboj.2009.339

  • N. Djouder
  • R.D. Tuerk
  • M. Suter
  • P. Salvioni
  • R.F. Thali
  • R. Scholz
  • K. Vaahtomeri
  • Y. Auchli
  • H. Rechsteiner
  • R.A. Brunisholz
  • et al


Anopheles gambiae Blood Feeding Initiates an Anticipatory Defense Response to Plasmodium berghei

Journal of Innate Immunity . 2015 Sep 10 ; 7(1) 74-86 | DOI : 10.1159/000365331

  • Leanna M. Upton
  • Michael Povelones
  • George K. Christophides


Characterization of Plasmodium developmental transcriptomes in Anopheles gambiae midgut reveals novel regulators of malaria transmission

Cellular Microbiology . 2014 Oct 31 ; 17(2) 254-268 | DOI : 10.1111/cmi.12363

  • Karolina A. Akinosoglou
  • Ellen S.C. Bushell
  • Chiamaka Valerie Ukegbu
  • Timm Schlegelmilch
  • Jee-Sun Cho
  • Seth Redmond
  • Katarzyna Sala
  • George K. Christophides
  • Dina Vlachou


Down-regulation of B Cell Receptor Signaling by Hematopoietic Progenitor Kinase 1 (HPK1)-mediated Phosphorylation and Ubiquitination of Activated B Cell Linker Protein (BLNK)*

Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2012 Mar 30 ; 287(14) 11037-11048 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M111.310946

  • Xiaohong Wang
  • Ju-Pi Li
  • Hui-Kai Kuo
  • Li-Li Chiu
  • Gregory A. Dement
  • Joung-Liang Lan
  • Der-Yuan Chen
  • Chia-Yu Yang
  • Hongbo Hu
  • Tse-Hua Tan


Yeast 3-Phosphoinositide-dependent Protein Kinase-1 (PDK1) Orthologs Pkh1–3 Differentially Regulate Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase A (PKA) and the Protein Kinase B (PKB)/S6K Ortholog Sch9

Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2011 Jun 24 ; 286(25) 22017-22027 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M110.200071

  • Karin Voordeckers
  • Marlies Kimpe
  • Steven Haesendonckx
  • Wendy Louwet
  • Matthias Versele
  • Johan M. Thevelein


DMSO is a strong inducer of DNA hydroxymethylation in pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells

Epigenetics . 2012 Jun 01 ; 7(6) 635–651. | DOI : 10.4161/epi.20163

  • Roman Thaler
  • Silvia Spitzer
  • Heidrun Karlic
  • Klaus Klaushofer
  • Franz Varga

Products : OptimAb Anti-5-Methylcytosine (33D3) — BI-MECY-1000


Placental development during early pregnancy in sheep: Effects of embryo origin on fetal and placental growth and global methylation

Theriogenology . 2013 Jan 01 ; 79(1) 94-102 | DOI : 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2012.09.013

  • Anna T. Grazul-Bilska
  • Mary Lynn Johnson
  • Pawel P. Borowicz
  • Loren Baranko
  • Dale A. Redmer
  • Lawrence P. Reynolds

Products : OptimAb Anti-5-Methylcytosine (33D3) — BI-MECY-1000