
Our publications


Quantification of Pneumocystis jirovecii: Cross-Platform Comparison of One qPCR Assay with Leading Platforms and Six Master Mixes.

J Fungi (Basel) . 2019 Dec 26 ; 6 (1) | DOI : 10.3390/jof6010009 

  • Sarah Dellière
  • Maud Gits-Muselli
  • P. Lewis White
  • Carlo Mengoli
  • Stéphane Bretagne
  • Alexandre Alanio

Products : qPCR 2X MasterMix Plus Low ROX w/o UNG 7.5 ml - 5 x 600 rxn (5 x 7.5 ml) — 05-QP2X-03+WOULR ; qPCR 2X MasterMix Plus Low ROX w/o UNG 7.5 ml - 600 rxn (7.5 ml) — RT-QP2X-03+WOULR ; qPCR 2X MasterMix Plus Low ROX w/o UNG 7.5 ml - 10 x 600 rxn (10 x 7.5 ml) — 10-QP2X-03+WOULR


Nucleic acids complexation with cationic elastin-like polypeptides: Stoichiometry and stability of nano-assemblies

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science . 2019 Dec 01 ; 557 777-792 | DOI : 10.1016/j.jcis.2019.09.054

  • L. M. Bravo-Anaya
  • B. Garbay
  • J.L.E. Nando-Rodriguez
  • F. Carvajal Ramos
  • E. Ibarboure
  • K. Bathany
  • Y. Xia
  • J. Rosselgong
  • G. Joucla
  • E. Garanger
  • S. Lecommandoux

Products : SmartLadder - 200 to 10000 bp — MW-1700-10 ; SmartLadder SF - 100 to 1000 bp — MW-1800-04


The signaling peptide NprX controlling sporulation and necrotrophism is imported into Bacillus thuringiensis by two oligopeptide permease systems

Molecular Microbiology . 2019 Jan 05 ; 112(1) 219–232 | DOI : 10.1111/mmi.14264

  • Thomas Dubois
  • Christelle Lemy
  • Stéphane Perchat
  • Didier Lereclus

Products : SmartLadder - 200 to 10000 bp — MW-1700-10 ; SmartLadder SF - 100 to 1000 bp — MW-1800-04


Suppression of Mutant Protein Expression in SCA3 and SCA1 Mice Using a CAG Repeat-Targeting Antisense Oligonucleotide

Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids . 2019 Sep 01 ; 17 601-614 | DOI : 10.1016/j.omtn.2019.07.004.

  • Eleni Kourkouta
  • Rudie Weij
  • Anchel Gonzalez-Barriga
  • Melissa Mulder
  • Ruurd Verheul
  • Sieto Bosgra
  • Bas Groenendaal
  • Jukka Puolivali
  • Jussi Toivanen
  • Judith C.T. van Deutekom
  • Nicole A. Datson

Products : SmartLadder - 200 to 10000 bp — MW-1700-10 ; SmartLadder SF - 100 to 1000 bp — MW-1800-04


Phosphorylation of a Novel Cytoskeletal Protein (RsmP) Regulates Rod-shaped Morphology in Corynebacterium glutamicum

Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2010 Sep 17 ; 285(38) 29387–29397 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M110.154427

  • Maria Fiuza
  • Michal Letek
  • Jade Leiba
  • Almudena F. Villadangos
  • José Vaquera
  • Isabelle Zanella-Cléon
  • Luis M. Mateos
  • Virginie Molle
  • José A. Gil

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE


Prolectin, a Glycan-binding Receptor on Dividing B Cells in Germinal Centers

Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2009 Jul 03 ; 284(27) 18537–18544 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M109.012807

  • Sarah A. Graham
  • Sabine A. F. Jégouzo
  • Sheng Yan
  • Alex S. Powlesland
  • Jacob P. Brady
  • Maureen E. Taylor
  • Kurt Drickamer

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE


Myxococcus xanthus Developmental Cell Fate Production: Heterogeneous Accumulation of Developmental Regulatory Proteins and Reexamination of the Role of MazF in Developmental Lysis

Journal of Bacteriology . 2012 Jun 01 ; 194(12) 3058–3068 | DOI : 10.1128/JB.06756-11

  • Bongsoo Lee
  • Carina Holkenbrink
  • Anke Treuner-Lange
  • Penelope I. Higgs

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE


Neuroglobins, Pivotal Proteins Associated with Emerging Neural Systems and Precursors of Metazoan Globin Diversity

Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2013 Mar 08 ; 288(10) 6957–6967 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M112.407601

  • Christophe Lechauve
  • Muriel Jager
  • Laurent Laguerre
  • Laurent Kiger
  • Gaëlle Correc
  • Cédric Leroux
  • Serge Vinogradov
  • Mirjam Czjzek
  • Michael C. Marden
  • Xavier Bailly

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE


Assembly of the Novel Five-Component Apicomplexan Multi-Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Complex Is Driven by the Hybrid Scaffold Protein Tg-p43

PLOS One . 2014 Feb 20 ; 9(2) e89487 | DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0089487

  • Jason M. van Rooyen
  • Jean-Benjamin Murat
  • Pierre-Mehdi Hammoudi
  • Sylvie Kieffer-Jaquinod
  • Yohann Coute
  • Amit Sharma
  • Hervé Pelloux
  • Hassan Belrhali
  • Mohamed-Ali Hakimi

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE


Glutamine methylation in Histone H2A is an RNA Polymerase I dedicated modification

Nature . 2014 Jul 23 ; 505(7484) 564-568 | DOI : 10.1038/nature12819

  • Peter Tessarz
  • Helena Santos-Rosa
  • Sam C. Robson
  • Kathrine B. Sylvestersen
  • Christopher J. Nelson
  • Michael L. Nielsen
  • Tony Kouzarides

Products : Rabbit - Speedy 28 days - 1 peptide (10 mg, 10-16 aa; coupling of 5 mg) - 1 animal - pAb production — AS-SMAF-SINGLE