
Our publications


Matrix metalloproteinase-1 induces cleavage of exogenous alphaB-crystallin transduced by a cell-penetrating peptide

J Cell Biochem . 2011 Sep 01 ; 112(9) 2454 | DOI : 10.1002/jcb.23167

  • S.W. Yang
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-1 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71150


Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 induces lung alveolar epithelial cell migration and proliferation, protects from apoptosis, and represses mitochondrial oxygen consumption

J Biol Chem . 2013 Jul 31 ; 288(36) 25964 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M113.459784

  • I. Herrera
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-1 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71150


Modulation of the angiogenic phenotype of normal and systemic sclerosis endothelial cells by gain-loss of function of pentraxin 3 and matrix metalloproteinase 12

Arthritis Rheumatol . 2010 Aug 01 ; 62(8) 2488 | DOI : 10.1002/art.27522

  • F. Margheri
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-12 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71157


Matrix metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12) SNP affects MMP activity, lung macrophage infiltration and protects against emphysema in COPD

Thorax . 2011 Jul 05 ; 66(11) 970 | DOI : 10.1136/thx.2011.159087

  • I. Haq
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-12 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71157


The endogenous protease inhibitor TIMP-1 mediates protection and recovery from cutaneous photodamage

J Invest Dermatol. . 2012 Jun 21 ; 132(12) 2800 | DOI : 10.1038/jid.2012.204

  • U. Yokose
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-12 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71157


A novel role of MMP-13 for murine DC function: its inhibition dampens T-cell activation

Int Immunol . 2016 Feb 26 ; 28(10) 473 | DOI : 10.1093/intimm/dxw008

  • J. Bartmann
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-12 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71157


The isolation of CHO cells with a site conferring a high and reproducible transgene amplification rate

J biotechnol . 2013 Feb 01 ; 164(2) 346 | DOI : 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2013.01.016

  • J.J. Cacciatore
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® pNPP Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase Reporter Gene Assay Kit Colorimetric - 1 kit — AS-72144


Degradation of the Alzheimer Disease amyloid β-peptide by metal-dependent upregulation of metalloprotease activity

J Biol Chem . 2006 Apr 28 ; 281(26) 17670 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M602487200

  • A.R. White
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP Substrate Sampler Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71170


Systematic identification of substrates for profiling of secreted proteases from Aspergillus species

J Microbiol Methds . 2007 May 29 ; 71(2) 93 | DOI : 10.1016/j.mimet.2007.05.010

  • R. Schaal
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP Substrate Sampler Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71170


Activated Abl kinase inhibits oncogenic transforming growth factor-β signaling and tumorigenesis in mammary tumors

FASEB J . 2009 Aug 18 ; 23(12) 4231 | DOI : 10.1096/fj.09-138412

  • T.M. Allington
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP Substrate Sampler Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71170