
Our publications


HCV Protease Inhibitory, Cytotoxic and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Oleanolic Acid Derivatives

J Pharm Pharm Sci. . 2009 Jan 01 ; 12(3) 243 | DOI : 10.18433/j3dw2d

  • C. Ma
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 HCV Protease Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71145


Potent and selective inhibition of hepatitis C virus replication by novel phenanthridinone derivatives

Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 2011 Nov 09 ; 415(4) 714 | DOI : 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.10.153

  • M.T.A. Salim
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 HCV Protease Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71145


HCV-NS3/4A Protease inhibitory iridoid glucosides and dimeric foliamenthoic ccid derivatives from Anarrhinum orientale

J Nat Prod . 2011 Apr 20 ; 74(5) 943 | DOI : 10.1021/np100554h

  • R. Dine
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 HCV Protease Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71145


Identification and biochemical characterization of Halisulfate 3 and Suvanine as novel inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Helicase from a marine sponge

Mar Drugs . 2014 Jan 21 ; 12(1) 462 | DOI : 10.3390/md12010462

  • A. Furuta
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 HCV Protease Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71145


Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors prevent a decrease in the mechanical properties of stress-deprived tendons: an in vitro experimental study

Am J Sports Med . 2007 Feb 09 ; 35(5) 763 | DOI : 10.1177/0363546506296043

  • S.P. Arnoczky
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-13 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71156


Doxycycline-mediated inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases improves healing after rotator cuff repair

Am J Sports Med . 2009 Oct 13 ; 38(2) 308 | DOI : 10.1177/0363546509347366

  • A. Bedi
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-13 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71156


Matrix metalloproteinase 12-deficiency augments extracellular matrix degrading metalloproteinases and attenuates IL-13-dependent fibrosis

J Immunol . 2010 Apr 01 ; 184(7) 3955 | DOI : 10.4049/jimmunol.0903008

  • S.K. Madala
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-13 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71156


Urine matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) as biomarkers for the progression of fracture healing.

Injury . 2012 Mar 01 ; 43(3) 274 | DOI : 10.1016/j.injury.2011.05.038

  • N.A. Wigner
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-13 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71156


β-Adrenergic receptor stimulation transactivates protease-activated receptor 1 via matrix metalloproteinase 13 in cardiac cells

Circulation . 2012 May 18 ; 125(24) 2993 | DOI : 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.066787

  • F. Jaffré
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-13 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71156


Real-time impedance analysis of host cell response to meningococcal infection

J Microbiol Methods. . 2010 Nov 13 ; 84(1) 101 | DOI : 10.1016/j.mimet.2010.11.004

  • H. Slanina
  • et al

Products : SensoLyte® 520 MMP-8 Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit — AS-71154